Matching Tux and Tails
An earlier post demonstrated the value of the T-letter and mentioned how using this cover letter helps you to avoid the reject pile.
And nowadays, more and more businesses are leveraging automated resume scanning software, looking for keywords in what you submit to them on-line. Therefore, having those keywords in your package will help you be more successful.
But once you get your submission to a real live person, not impersonal software, it’s important to maintain that good impression that began with your well-written T-letter.
If you design the contact information heading of your resume to double as letterhead, you can reuse it for your cover letter. Doing so not only looks very professional, but may also show the HR reps, and eventually the hiring manager, that you pay close attention to detail.
This approach may help to distinguish you from the other candidates, even those who may appear more qualified, but less organized than you. And, the more important first step is to get your foot in the door, to get a phone- or in-person interview, where you can further prove why are the best candidate for the position.
So, which of the two fashion styles above do you think would make the more favorable impression? (I’ll guess which one you probably picked.)
Just like a matching tuxedo, bow tie and tails, attention to style and detail will decide the type of impression put forward.
On the next job posting which you directly apply to with a cover, try submitting your resume with a matching T-style cover letter instead.
Does your current cover letter and resume package look coordinated and well-crafted? If not, what will you change to improve the presentation?